In my eyes, I'm looking at today as a start of something new, a new chapter. For various reasons, I've decided to make some changes in my life, designed to combat the amount of stress I was suffering in the recent months and it's effects. All those who know me, know I like to pack my life up with a 101 things which is fine for the most part, but the problem is that when one of those things starts to stop being as smooth sailing and stress / unhappiness increases – your perfectly formed life pyramid might come tumbling down.
I've always prided myself on not resorting to food when stressed or unhappy but these last few months something changed.
- The fact that it was Easter with chocolates everywhere didn't help.
- The fact that I went to Italy twice also didn't help – it is the land of all the food I adore after all.
- The fact that I'm very bad at nutritional eating and usually use periods of fasting (which can be beneficial when done properly but shouldn't be used as an excuse to eat more chocolate after) also didn't help.
The last point, more than anything, is in my opinion the main reason as to why these extra 4 kilos can presently be found on my body and my jeans don't fit. I think my perceived 'control over my food intake' was fake and designed to fail eventually. No diet can be built on eating crisps, chocolate and sweets on a daily basis because the problem is that as soon as stress increases, these are the first things you'll reach for and if you're already used to eating them on a daily basis, then chances are you'll reach again and again and again. I mean I'm the type of person who counts 1 chocolate-free day as an achievement.
Enter -------> PLAN H.
Plan H is a wonderful company designed to help you get on track – basically they prepare and deliver healthy, nutritional meals to your door (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner) every day and the whole pack weighs in at about 1200 calories for the women or 1800 for the men.
Out of the blue, last week, I received an email asking if I wished to collaborate with them for 8 weeks and it couldn't have been timed better. This last weekend was the last weekend of 'naughty food' (two huge dinner party events) and today I begin a new chapter of learning how to eat, learning how to say no and learning how to do without all the junk food.
I'll be posting weekly updates on what changes are happening to my body and you'll be able to see photos of all the food both on
Facebook and
Instagram :D The hubby will also be joining me on this venture on weekends.
My Goals are the following
- To lose weight – my current weight is 55.5 kg and my target weight is 51.5 but I'll be happy with 52 and / or my smallest sized jeans fitting once again (sometimes, when eating and exercising properly it is possible to lose inches without actually losing weight but in that case I'm not taking anything less than 2 inches off my hips :) ).
- To learn how big or small my portions should be - too big and u gain weight, too small you might eat chocolate or snacks later.
- To embrace healthy eating
- TO live without daily doses of crisps and sugar
In terms of whether I'll be exercising – well I always exercise about 3-4 times a week so nothing will be changing there.
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