Today we shine the spotlight on a very interesting friend of mine Mariel Sacco author and founder of fashion and lifestyle blog Confessions of a Former Size 6. When I first discovered her blog, the title alone hooked me.. I immediately wanted to know more.. I figured that anyone who would title their blog as such was probably both interesting, fiercely honest and courageous in a I'll write what I damn want kind of way.
I was right, her blog is a lovely interesting read full of both fashion tips and interesting ideas and some insight into herself and her personal life. The best thing about is her style of writing which is sometimes quirky, sometimes simply descriptive and funny but never ever boring.
Meet the person behind the her own words:
So, who is Mariel Sacco?
This is always a question I dread answering! I’m a 34 year old who feels much younger than her biological age, and is too wide for her height. I’m interested in anything which can be termed artistic - be it visual arts, fashion, theatre, writing - anything which appeals to my visual or mental aesthetic.
When did your interest in blogging first begin? When did you first create your blog?
My first attempt at blogging came a few years back where I used to keep a rather haphazard blog with lots of random, incoherent posts. September 2012 however saw the birth of Confessions of a former size 6, which originally was meant to be a journal of my dieting back into a UK size 6. Along the way, my other interests caught up and now you can find posts on fashion (mainly), travel, cultural activities in Malta … and healthy food posts of course!
There’s been a lot of buzz and interest in blogging in Malta over the last year…how has this affected you?
I think it’s positive. I mean, of course, it is somewhat competitive and getting the much wished for likes, comments and dedicated followers is more difficult. But being somewhat obsessed on social media, I see blogging as an interesting and dynamic means of communicating oneself, especially when it is paired with other networks like Facebook, Instagram etc.
Blogging is not your full-time job is it? What is your main profession?
During the day I’m an Assistant Director on HR in the public administration … so no, blogging is far from being my full-time job!
How do you juggle everything? And you also travel a lot right?
It’s all about planning and time management. I do quite a bit of research on the posts I write - Pinterest boards, online articles, photos I’d take and edit myself … sometimes I’d be editing or researching at 05:00am, even on a weekend morning. I’d rather post only once in a week and have a well researched piece than post for the sake of having posted something. With my previous job I was travelling quite often, and I spent the first eight months of last year jetting in between Malta and Krakow on a monthly basis - so the flights and waiting times did come in handy to research, plan and draft my posts!
What inspires you as a fashion blogger? Is there anyone or anything that you feel has influenced your blogging style?
I truly can’t pin-point one particular blogger who was catalyst in my blogging style. I’m very erratic in terms of the blogs I follow, I must admit. Having said that, if I see something - a font, writing style, feature or topic on a blog I’d be reading, it would serve me as inspiration for my own blog. I try to keep my posts varied and interesting - I do use visuals quite a lot, but I won’t be caught dead posting a ‘photos only’ entry with just my outfit from different angles. The written word is very important to me.
Which is your favourite post you’ve ever written?
There actually isn’t just one! I keep re-reading my two-part round up of 2013 (part 1 and part 2) as the year held so much for me that I still can’t believe I’ve actually live it all! I am also very fond of my Subway Dreams post, which actually doesn’t deal with fashion, but with another thing which is very close to my heart: Malta’s artistic potential.
How would you describe your style? Do you feel as though your style is still developing or have you found your ‘look’?
I don’t wish to be pigeon-holed in a particular style so I keep experimenting, trying different looks, especially when I go out, since obviously, work-wear is pretty standard corporate-meets-preppy in my case. I don’t know if I want to have ‘a look’ actually … but there definitely are a number of styles I feel more comfortable wearing than others in that they represent ‘me’ more.
Plans for 2014?
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