When I first found out these baby blankets existed at KIABI, I honestly wished I was a baby. as an adult who sleeps with you know sheets and quilts and throw over blankets, I really hate it when the sheets get untucked from under the mattress and move around. If you share a bed with someone, this person might sometimes decide they need more blanket love leaving you out there in the cold all hurt and sad...I do know there are sleeping bags for adults but I somehow feel a bit strange about crawling into a sleeping bed every night - the hubby might find it even stranger....
Now if you're a baby - well then babies have it good- they get tucked in and kissed and all cosied up into the cutest baby blankets around that are just like sleeping bags. If only babies could speak and you know use technology - they would rule the world.
Besides these fabulous baby blankets - I also discovered that they get to wear hooded towels after they've had their bath - isn't that the cutest ?

And for the last spotted item from KIABI - STORAGE BOXES. I own a lot of stuff and I'm not good with chucking things out, if I had a kid this would probably become a serious issue - I have a feeling I'd buy one of each of these boxes below.