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Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Outfit Post : Food, Metallics and Birkenstocks

What do you get when you mix a trip to Buskett, a burger t-shirt, a hungry, funny, hubby photographer and shoes with pink soles? Well, a bundle of laughter and a lot of fun.

I don't always enjoy shooting my outfit posts. I especially hate it at events, when there are so many people around and of course they all have to watch. Also, I'm a stylist - I'm used to being behind the camera, making sure all the clothes look good, when I'm being shot, I can't stop fussing about whether or not everything looks right.

However, sometimes there are exceptions, times when I really enjoy it and have a whale of a time. This shoot was one of those and everything about it simply made me smile.

I decided to wear my new Burger T-shirt - I talked about this here - after launching in Paris and Italy, McDonald's have launched their new food-inspired apparel line in Malta. I'm also sporting a brand new haircut - it's back to the curls for summer and my shoes have pink soles - enough said.

Outfit Details

Skirt: Zara
T-Shirt: McDonalds
Necklace: ASOS
Shoes: Birkenstock at Stivaletti
Bag: Slon Torbalski
Hair: Toni&Guy

All Photos by KURT PARIS
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