I really must apologise ....you were meant to get this second review after 34 days but I decided to delay so as to be able to talk about maintenance and also because Easter with all it's chocolate moments came up and I felt like an absolute fraud talking about slim leggings whilst stuffing my face......
So first of all, lets start with what I did - I wore the top and leggings for 8 hours a day minimum, generally much longer for the first 28 days. Then I shortened it to a minimum of 6 hrs per day but still every day and this is still my current behaviour. I also try my best to wear them after a big meal.
So lets review the claims individually
Claim 1: Reduces the Appearance of Cellulite
As already mentioned, the cellulite on my thighs has reduced a lot, and my thighs feel firmer, a little dimple or two are still there so it wasn't completely eliminated but then again my diet hasn't exactly been stellar of late.
Claim 2: Reduces Water Intention
Yes, yes and yessss. I still think this is probably the best part about these products, they really minimise bloating, I sleep in them after gluttony dinners and my stomach won't be bloated the next day :)
Claim 3: Tones and Moisturises
This is still not really anything I have anything to say much about .....my skin is always dry in winter and it was still dry throughout these 52 days.
Claim 4: Regulates Body Temperature
Yes but bear in mind that the fabric is not wind blocking, if it is the warmth factor you are after, wear another layer on top, I feel really comfortable when I wear them
To Summarise: I still think these products are a great, amazing invention and in fact I'm thinking of getting a capri pair of leggings / shorts to wear over the summer period :D
These products are available to purchase in Malta - ‘Proskins Malta’ on Facebook or call 9983 2022.

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