I can't recall this guy's name (simshar audience) so leave me a comment if you know him - Topman jacket, Springfield shirt, Zara trousers, new look shoes ..loved the mix of colours, patterns/beard ...cool look

Ernest Camilleri (vip) - the man responsible for all the Simshar costumes - loved his patterned shirt
Neil Falzon, the human rights lawyer and Roderick (simshar audience) ...they were my absolute favourite of the night ....patterns, textures, bow-ties, colours...everything about their outfits rocked.
Journalist Iggy Fenech (simshar audience) - Sef Farrugia bow tie, velvet blazer, gold brooch---super
Peter Carbonaro (vip) -the host for the night .. in a Hugo Boss suit and Aldo shoes and a brilliant tie pin that's apparently one of his signature looks.
Designers Charles and Ron (vip) - I loved Charles' textured suit and Ron looked great in his blazer and bow-tie.
I can't recall this guy's name (simshar audience) so leave me a comment if you know him - ZARA. NOTE * Mystery man identified - Malcolm Sciberras
The last three men are a bit tongue-in-cheek.....below is my hubby Kurt Paris, (photographer for the night)...obviously I might be a teeny bit biased but the truth is I didn't choose his outfit at all, was too busy thinking about myself..but I was really impressed with it and think he deserves a mention - Zara hat, Steel&Jelly Top, Aldo bow-tie

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